On the 6th and 7th November 2013 six of our employees attended the Nifty Lift Offices in Milton Keynes where we were given product training and a tour of the Milton Keynes facilities.
The training days were very interesting, as our office staff have not had a lot of hands on experience with the Nifty Lift product.
It was incredibly useful to see the difference in each machine and how they differ from our other manufacturers, the vast range that Nifty Lift can provide worldwide is outstanding and it was good to see the production line in operation with the equipment ready to be shipped all over the world.
Pictured below are 3 of our colleagues that participated in the days at Nifty Lift, Nifty’s features and benefits of there equipment are unique and customers will benefit greatly from the innovative designs, PLEASE call us now to hire a Nifty work platform and experience the difference yourself!
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